O r g a n i z e r64 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.weekly course you are taking.This option is shown only if youhave selected to repeat theevent.Synchronisation > Private —After synchronization thecalendar entry can be seen onlyby you, and it is not shown toothers even if they have onlineaccess to view the calendar.Public — The calendar entry isshown to others who haveaccess to view your calendaronline. None — The calendarentry is not copied when yousynchronize your calendar.3. To save the entry, select Done.Calendar viewsPress # in the month, week, or dayviews to automatically highlighttoday’s date.To write a calendar entry, pressany number key (0—9) in anycalendar view. A meeting entryopens, and the characters enteredare added to the Subject field.To go to a certain date, selectOptions > Go to date. Write thedate, and select OK.To-doSelect Options > To-do view.In the To-do view, you can keep alist of tasks that you need to do.Create a to-do note1. To start to write a to-do note,press any number key (0—9).2. Write the task in the Subjectfield. Press * to add specialcharacters. Set a due date anda priority for the task.3. To save the to-do note, selectDone.■ ConverterSelect Menu > Organiser >Converter.In the converter, you can convertmeasurement parameters such asLength from one unit to another,for example, Yards to Metres.The converter has limited accuracyand rounding errors may occur.Convert unitsTo convert currency, you must firstset the exchange rate. See “Set abase currency and exchange rates”p. 65.1. Scroll to the Type field, andpress the scroll key to open alist of measurementparameters. Scroll to themeasurement parameter youwant to use, and select OK.