M e s s a g i n g42 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.Note: The picturemessage function can beused only if it is supportedby your network operatoror service provider. Onlycompatible devices thatoffer picture messagefeatures can receive anddisplay picture messages.The appearance of amessage may varydepending on thereceiving device.Service messagesService messages (networkservice) are notifications (forexample, news headlines), andthey may contain a text messageor the address of a browser service.For availability and subscription,contact your service provider.■ My foldersYou can organize your messagesinto folders, create new folders,and rename and delete folders.Select Menu > Messag. > Myfolders. To create a folder, selectOptions > New folder and enter aname for the folder.■ MailboxSelect Menu > Messag. >Mailbox.When you open this folder, youcan connect to your remotemailbox (network service) to dothe following:• Retrieve new e-mail headingsor messages.• View your previously retrievede-mail headings or messagesoffline.When you scroll to your mailboxand press the scroll key, the phoneasks you if you want to Connect tomailbox?. Select Yes to connect toyour mailbox or No to viewpreviously retrieved e-mailmessages offline.To connect to the mailboxafterwards, select Options >Connect.When you create a new mailbox,the name you give to the mailboxautomatically replaces Mailbox inthe Messaging main view. You canhave up to six mailboxes.When you are online, selectOptions > Disconnect to end thedata call or packet dataconnection to the remote mailbox.