Y o u r p h o n e28 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.To display and switch betweenopen applications, press and holdthe menu key. The applicationswitching window opens, showinga list of open applications. Scrollto an application, and select it.Leaving applications running inthe background increases thedemand on battery power andreduces the battery life.■ TutorialTutorial contains an introductionto the phone features and atutorial to teach how to use thephone. The tutorial startsautomatically when you start yourphone for the first time. To startthe tutorial yourself, select Menu> Tutorial and a tutorial item.■ HelpYour device has context-sensitivehelp. You can access the help froman application or from the mainmenu.To access help when anapplication is open, select Options> Help. To switch between helpand the application that is open inthe background, select and holdMenu. Select Options and fromthe following options:Topic list — to view a list ofavailable topics in the appropriatecategoryHelp category list — to view a listof help categoriesSearch by keyword — to search forhelp topics using keywordsTo open help from the main menu,select Tools > Help. In the list ofhelp categories, select the desiredapplication to view a list of helptopics. To switch between the helpcategory list, indicated with ,and a keywords list, indicated with, scroll left or right. Pressthe scroll key to display the relatedhelp text.■ Volume controlTo adjust the earpiece orloudspeaker volume during a callor when listening to an audio file,press the volume keys.To activate the loudspeaker duringa call, select Loudsp..To deactivate the loudspeakerduring a call, select Handset.Warning: Do not hold thedevice near your ear whenthe loudspeaker is in use,because the volume maybe extremely loud.