C o n t a c t s50 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.6. ContactsYou can save and manage contactinformation, such as names, phonenumbers, and addresses. You canalso add a personal ringing tone,voice tag, or a thumbnail image toa contact card. You can createcontact groups, which allow youto send text messages or e-mail tomany recipients at the same time.Contact information can only besent to or received fromcompatible devices.■ Manage contactsSelect Menu > Contacts.To add a new contact, selectOptions > New contact. Fill in thefields you want, and select Done.To edit a contact, scroll to it andselect Options > Edit.To assign default numbers andaddresses to a contact, select it,and select Options > Defaults.Scroll to the desired defaultoption, and select Assign.To copy names and numbers froma SIM card to your phone, selectOptions > SIM contacts > SIMdirectory. Scroll to the name youwant to copy or mark the desirednames, and select Options > Copyto Contacts.To copy a phone, fax, or pagernumber from contacts to your SIMcard, scroll to the contact youwant to copy, and select Options> Copy > To SIM directory.To view the list of fixed dialingnumbers, select Options > SIMcontacts > Fixed diallingcontacts. This setting is onlyshown if supported by your SIMcard.■ Manage contactgroupsCreate a contact group so that youcan send text or e-mail messagesto several recipients at the sametime.1. Scroll to the right, and selectOptions > New group.2. Enter a name for the group oruse the default name, andselect OK.3. Open the group, and selectOptions > Add members.4. Scroll to each contact youwant to add to the group, andpress the scroll key to mark it.5. Select OK to add all markedcontacts to the group.