C o n n e c t i v i t y94 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.the contacts you want to invite,write the invitation message, andselect Done.Record messagesTo record the messages that areexchanged in an IM group orduring an individual conversation,select Options > Record chat.Enter the name for the messagefile, and press the scroll key. Tostop recording, select Options >Stop recording.The recorded message files aresaved to notes. See “Notes” p. 65.Start and view individualconversationsSelect Menu > Connect. > IM >Conversations.This shows a list of the IM userswith whom you have an ongoingconversation.next to a user indicates thatyou have received a new messagefrom that user.To view an ongoing conversation,scroll to the user, and press thescroll key. To send a message,write your message, and press thescroll key. To return to theconversations list without closingthe conversation, select Back.To start a new conversation, selectOptions > New conversation >Select recipient to select from alist of your saved IM contacts thatare currently online, or Enter userID to enter the user ID.To close the conversation, selectOptions > End conversation.Ongoing conversations areautomatically closed when youexit instant messaging.To save a user to your IM contacts,scroll to the user, and selectOptions > Add to IM contacts.To prevent receiving messagesfrom certain users, select Options> Blocking options and from thefollowing:Add to blocked list — to blockmessages from the currentlyselected userAdd ID to list manually — Enterthe user ID of the user, and pressthe scroll key.View blocked list — to see theusers whose messages are blockedUnblock — Select the user that youwant to remove from the blockedlist, and press the scroll key.IM contactsSelect Menu > Connect. > IM >IM contacts.You can see a list of your saved IMcontacts. indicates contacts