S p o r t s m o d e114 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.To add a result of a performedexercise that was not monitoredand recorded by the phone, scrollto the date, select Options > Addresult, enter the result data, andselect Done.To plan a single exercise or severalrecurring exercises, scroll to theexercise day, and select Options >Plan > Single exercise. To repeatthe exercise on certain weekdaysfor a number of weeks, selectRepeats, select the weekdays onwhich to repeat the exercise, andenter the number of weeks.To create a long-term planautomatically based on yourpreferences and your target, selectOptions > Plan > Fitness coach,define the settings, and selectCreate plan.■ TestsTo perform tests, in the Sportsview, select Tests and the desiredtest. Follow the instructions.To view results of performed testsand keep track of your progress, inthe Tests view, select Options >Test results.■ SettingsIn the main view, select Options >Settings and from the followingoptions:General settings > Measurementunit — to select the measurementsusedGeneral settings > Backlight — toset how long the backlight willstay litPersonal data — to enter your sex,birthday, height, weight,endurance level, maximum heartrate, and rest heart rateTo change the Personal datapassword, select Options >Change password, enter the oldpassword, enter the newpassword, and confirm the newpassword.To delete all data, select Options> Delete all data. All data,including exercise results, exerciseplans, and personal data, isdeleted.■ Nokia Sports ManagerWith the Nokia Sports Manager,you can view and manage yourexercise data on a compatible PC.To download the software, visitwww.nokia-asia.com/support.