M e s s a g i n g40 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.To use a template for the textmessage, select Options >Insert > Template. To create apresentation based on atemplate to be sent as amultimedia message, selectOptions > Createpresentation. To use a texttemplate for the multimediamessage, select Options >Insert object > Template.To add a media object to amultimedia message, selectOptions > Insert object >Image, Sound clip, or Videoclip. To create and add a newmedia object, select Options >Insert new > Image, Soundclip, Video clip or Slide. Whensound has been added, theicon is shown.To add a media object to an e-mail, select Options > Insert >Image, Sound clip, Video clip,Note or Template.6. To send the message, selectOptions > Send; or press thecall key.Copyright protections may preventsome images, music (includingringing tones), and other contentfrom being copied, modified,transferred or forwarded.Nokia Xpress audiomessagingAudio messages are multimediamessages that consist of a singlesound clip. To create and send anaudio message:1. Select Menu > Messag. > Newmessage > Audio message.2. In the To field, press the scrollkey to choose the recipientsfrom Contacts, or enter thephone number or e-mailaddress. Scroll down to themessage field.3. To record a new sound clip,select Options > Insert soundclip > New sound clip. Therecording will start.To use a previously recordedsound clip, select Options >Insert sound clip > FromGallery, scroll to the sound clip,and select it. The sound clip hasto be in .amr format.To play the sound clip on theloudspeaker, select Options >Play sound clip.4. To send the message, selectOptions > Send.