O r g a n i z e rCopyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved. 652. Scroll to the first Unit field, andpress the scroll key to open alist of available units. Selectthe unit from which you wantto convert and select OK.3. Scroll to the next Unit field,and select the unit to whichyou want to convert.4. Scroll to the first Amount field,and enter the value that youwant to convert. The otherAmount field changesautomatically to show theconverted value.Press # to add a decimal and press* for the +, - (for temperature),and E (exponent) symbols.The conversion order changes ifyou write a value in the secondAmount field. The result is shownin the first Amount field.Set a base currency andexchange ratesBefore you can convert currency,you need to choose a basecurrency (usually your domesticcurrency) and add exchange rates.The rate of the base currency isalways 1. The base currencydetermines the conversion rates ofthe other currencies.1. Select Currency as themeasurement parameter type,and select Options > Currencyrates. A list of currenciesopens; you can see the currentbase currency at the top.2. To change the base currency,scroll to the currency (usuallyyour domestic currency), andselect Options > Set as basecurr..3. Add exchange rates, scroll tothe currency, and enter a newrate, that is, how many units ofthe currency equal one unit ofthe base currency you selected.4. After you insert all the requiredexchange rates, you canconvert currency. See “Convertunits” p. 64.Note: When you changebase currency, you mustenter new exchange ratesbecause all previously setexchange rates arecleared.■ NotesSelect Menu > Organiser > Notes.You can send notes to otherdevices. You can save plain textfiles (TXT format) you receive tonotes.Press keys 1—9 to start to write.Press the clear key to clear letters.Select Done to save.