108 Océ 9600 Copier/Printer User ManualPrinter status window The printer status window is used to display the printerstatus messages, such as: Power off, Off line, Error, Ready to print, Door open,etc.When operator intervention is required (for instance when an error hasoccurred) a blinking icon will be displayed to visually attract the operator’sattention.Media window For each media source (roll or cassette tray) the followinginformation is displayed: Media feed type roll or cassette tray Media feed number Media size Media type Media sort: special or normal Media orientation (cassette tray type only) Media feed empty Media feed available Media weightNote: If the Media type is polyester, the thickness is expressed in mil (0.001"),otherwise the weight is expressed in g/m2 or in pounds.When a roll or tray is disabled, the roll or tray icon is dimmed and the mediainformation is replaced by the text “-disabled-” (see ‘Icons’ on page 110).Note: Special media are excluded from the automatic behavior of the Océ9600.Note: You can hide the media by de-selecting it in the View menu option.Scanner status window The scanner status window is used to display thescanner status, such as: Power off, Error, Ready to scan, etc.When operator intervention is required (for instance when an error hasoccurred) a blinking icon is displayed, until the source of the alert has beenremoved.Note: You can hide the scanner status window by de-selecting it in the Viewmenu option.Set memory status The System Control Panel will display the percentage ofmemory in use.