288 Océ 9600 Copier/Printer User ManualList of available material types and sizesOcé machines and materials are matched for optimal quality and performance.It is therefore recommended that you use only approved Océ materials in theOcé 9600.A full list of Océ materials suited for use in the Océ 9600, including plainpaper, transparent paper, colored papers and various polyester films isavailable from your Océ representative.Material types The following material types are available for the Océ 9600:Material sizes The following material sizes are available for the Océ 9600:Plain paper 20 to 27 lb. bondTransparent paper 20 to 27 lb.Vellum 16 - 20 lbsPolyester film 3.5 or 4.5 milSpecial Colored paper, etc.Minimum MaximumWidth 8.27 inches 36 inhesLength 11 inches 49 feet[174] Overview of print material that can be usedFormat Width Length Format Width LengthISO range ANSI rangeA4 portrait 8.27” 11.69” A portrait 8.5” 11”A3 11.69” 16.53” B 11” 17”A2 16.53” 23.3” C 17” 22”A1 23.3” 33.1” D 22” 34”A0 33.1” 46.81” E 34” 44”Format Width Length Format Width LengthANSI PLUSrangeOthersA+ portrait 9” 12” 30” 30” 42”B+ 12” 18” B1 27.5” 39.3”C+ 18” 24” B1+ 27.83” 1000mmD+ 24” 36” B2 19.69 in 27.5”E+ 36” 48” B2+ 19.96 in 27.5”[175] Overview of material sizes that can be used