100RS-232C$ Query control commandsData transmitted by PC Data returned from unit in response Description of command[STX] QUI [ETX] [STX] LUISdata [ETX]Parameterdata = U7U6U5U4U7U3U2U1U0Sets the user ID to be written using anASCII code.Binary 4BITa87ASCII code: 0—9, A—FQueries the setting of the user ID to be recorded.[STX] QVC [ETX] [STX] VVCm:data [ETX]Parameterm = A: Execution of detectionprocessing by VCC commandunderwayS: Detection processing by VCCcommand completed ordetection stoppeddata = c13-16 c9-12 c5-8c1-4c13-16 = 1—F:Connection information for cameraNo.13—16c 9-12 = 1—F:Connection information for cameraNo.9—12c5-8 = 1—F:Connection information for cameraNo.5—8c1-4 = 1—F:Connection information for cameraNo.1—4For details on C¢, refer to the Cameraconnection information table.Queries the results of detecting whether the video inputsignals are present.When the POWER switch is at OFF, the signals are notdetected, and an error results.Initiate the detection processing using the VVC commandbefore executing the QVC command.Correct results cannot be obtained unless processing hasbeen completed using the VVC command.[STX] QVM [ETX] [STX] VMDm [ETX]Parameterm = A: AUTOColor is switched automaticallyin accordance with the inputsignals.B: B/WMonochromeQueries the color setting for the video output signals.[STX] QWB [ETX] [STX] LWBm [ETX]Parameterm = N: Buzzer ONF: Buzzer OFFQueries the setting for whether the buzzer is to sound whena problem occurs in the unit and the power is automaticallyturned off.[STX] QXT [ETX] [STX] LXTm [ETX]Parameterm = N: Signals are acknowledged.F: Signals are not acknowledged.Queries the setting for whether the signals from the externaltimer connected to the rear panel terminal section are to beacknowledged in the external timer recording mode.