44Menu page P4[RECORDING MODE] P4FIELD/FRAME FIELDPICTURE QUALITY HIGHREC-TYPE RT0 ( OFF¢16)[ALARM/SENSOR REC]MODE OFFFIELD/FRAME FIELDPICTURE QUALITY HIGHDURATION 0.5minBUZZER OFFREPEAT OFFGROUP ALARM1 RT0 ( OFF¢16)GROUP ALARM2 RT0 ( OFF¢16)ALARM/SENSOR REC screenMenu item Description of functionMODE For setting what recording operation is to be performed when analarm signal has been input.OFF : The unit operates normally regardless of whether analarm signal is input.ALARM/SENSOR:Alarm recording or sensor recording is performed.ALARM : Alarm recording is performed.SENSOR: Sensor recording is performed.FIELD/FRAME For selecting field recording or frame recording when alarmrecording or sensor recording is to be performed.FIELD : Field recording is performed.FRAME : Frame recording is performed.PICTUREQUALITYFor setting the picture quality when alarm recording or sensorrecording is to be performed.HIGH : Recording is performed at a high quality.NORMAL : Recording is performed at the standard quality.NO CHANGE : Recording is performed at the current quality setting.DURATION For setting the length of the alarm recording or sensor recording.0.5min : Recording for 30 seconds.1.0min : Recording for 1 minute.1.5min : Recording for 1 minute and 30 seconds.2.0min : Recording for 2 minutes.3.0min : Recording for 3 minutes.5.0min : Recording for 5 minutes.10min : Recording for 10 minutes.CONTINUE: Recording continues until the tape-end.MANUAL : Recording is performed only while an alarm signal isinput.BUZZER For setting whether the buzzer is to sound during alarm recording orsensor recording.ON : The buzzer sounds. It stops when any one of the functionbuttons is pressed.OFF : The buzzer does not sound.GROUP ALARM1 For selecting the recording type from what was registered on menupage P3 when alarm recording or sensor recording is to beperformed if an alarm signal is input to ALARM IN 1.RT0—RT7GROUP ALARM2 For selecting the recording type from what was registered on menupage P3 when alarm recording or sensor recording is to beperformed if an alarm signal is input to ALARM IN 2.RT0—RT7REPEAT For setting whether alarm recording or sensor recording is to beperformed if an alarm signal has been input while repeat recording isunderway or while the tape is being rewound.OFF : Alarm recording or sensor recording is not performed whenthe tape is being rewound.If an alarm signal has been input even when tape rewinding iscompleted, alarm recording or sensor recording is performed.ON : Alarm recording or sensor recording (or both) is forciblyperformed even while the tape is being rewound.The underlining indicates the factory mode setting.Setting menusWhen RT7 has been selected as the REC-TYPE item setting, theFIELD/FRAME item setting is overridden and frame recording is forciblyinitiated.