77RS-232C$ Time lapse control commandsThese commands are not acknowledged while a search control command is being processed.Data transmitted by PC Data returned from unit in response Description of command[STX] LDO:data1:data2 [ETX]Parameterdata1 = hhmm (start time)data2 = hhmm (end time)hh = 00—23: Hours (24-hoursystem)mm = 00—59: Minutes[STX] LDO [ETX] Sets the start time (START) and end time (END) at whichthe control signals are to be output to the componentconnected to EXT TIMER OUT on the rear panel terminalsection.The control signals are not output when the same time hasbeen set for both the START and END times.[STX] LDP:m [ETX]Parameterm = H: HIGHRecording at a high picturequalityN: NORMALRecording at the standardpicture qualityF: NO CHANGERecording at the currentlyset picture quality[STX] LDP [ETX] For setting the picture quality with which to perform alarmrecording and/or sensor recording.[STX] LDW:m [ETX]Parameterm = W: WARNINGControl signals continue tobe output.R: RECControl signals are outputonly during recording.[STX] LDW [ETX] Sets how the control signals are to be output to thecomponent connected to WARNING/REC OUT on the rearpanel terminal section when a problem has occurred in theunit.[STX] LDX:m [ETX]Parameterm = V: VIDEO OUTVideo signal outputconnectorE: EXT SW INExternal sequentialswitcher signal inputconnector[STX] LDX [ETX] Switches the function of the rear panel EXT SW IN/VIDEOOUT connector.[STX] LDT:m:n [ETX]Parameterm = 0—7: Recording type ofALARM IN 1n = 0—7: Recording type ofALARM IN 2[STX] LDT [ETX] For setting the recording type to be used if an alarm signalhas been input to ALARM IN 1 or 2.[STX] LDS:m [ETX]Parameterm = I: Field playbackR: Frame playback[STX] LDS [ETX] For selecting field playback or frame playback for still-picture playback.