88RS-232C$ Query control commandsData transmitted by PC Data returned from unit in response Description of command[STX] QHJ [ETX] [STX] HEm [ETX]Parameterm = E: EJECTA: REWIND5EJECTQueries the setting for the operation to be performed whenthe EJECT button is pressed.[STX] QHL [ETX] [STX] HRLm [ETX]Parameterm = F: Recording enabledN: Recording disabledQueries the lock mode for operations while recording isunderway.[STX] QHR:H [ETX] [STX] HTRdata [ETX]Parameterdata = hhmmsshh = 00—23: Hoursmm = 00—59: Minutesss = 00 (fixed): SecondsQueries the remaining tape amount.When the amount is undetermined or the tape has beenejected, data = FFFFFF is returned.This command is valid when a 120-minute tape is used andthe 3-hour recording mode has been set.[STX] QHR:H [ETX] [STX] HTRdata [ETX]Parameterdata = hhmmsshh = 00—23: Hoursmm = 00—59: Minutesss = 00 (fixed): SecondsQueries the remaining tape amount.When the amount is undetermined or the tape has beenejected, data = FFFFFF is returned.This command is valid when a 120-minute tape is used andthe 3-hour recording mode has been set.[STX] QHT [ETX] [STX] HREm [ETX]Parameterm = B: BUZZERE: EJECTP: REPEATR: REWINDS: STOPQueries the unit’s operation mode that is to be establishedwhen the tape has reached its end position duringrecording.[STX] QIC [ETX] [STX] 1 [ETX] Queries the product area identification code.The unit returns “1” for a tape component.[STX] QID [ETX] [STX] data [ETX]Parameterdata = AG-DTL1PQueries the ID code of the unit.[STX] QIP:n [ETX]Parametern = 1—8: Program registrationnumber (PGM1—PGM8)[STX] LIPn:data1:data2:t [ETX]Parametern = 1—8: Program registration number(PGM1—PGM8)data1 = hhmm (start time)data2 = hhmm (end time)hh = 00—23: Hours (24-hour system)mm = 00—59: Minutest = 0—6: Recording type (RT0—RT6 )Queries the program which combines three items—therecording start time, recording end time and the recordingtype—for recording using the unit’s internal timer.