55RS-232C2) When the data contains errors or the a problemoccurs in the unit, the nature of the errors or thereason why the data was not received isreturned with the following format:[STX] E R ( [ETX]02H 45H 52H XX 03HOContent of (2 (32H) : Cassette up/down error3 (33H) : Loading error4 (34H) : Drum or capstan system error5 (35H) : Reel system error6 (36H) : Tension system error7 (37H) : Solenoid errorD (44H) : Condensation errorE (45H) : Command or parameter errorM (4DH) : Non-executable command (in settingmenu mode or time adjustment mode)P (50H) : Search error (at tape start or end)F (46H) : Search error (search suspended byfront panel operation)T (54H) : Search error (no target position)I (49H) : Search error (search suspended bycommand)O (4FH) : Receive buffer overflow(3) Receiving format (unit 5 PC)The unit responds to a send command with thefollowing format data.1. First, the unit returns the data that indicateswhether the command from the PC wasreceived properly.1) In the case of error-free communication, the unitreturns ACK (acknowledge) data.[ACK]06H2) If there is an error in the communication, the unitreturns data starting with NAK (negativeacknowledge character code 15H).If data is being sent, the unit returns NAK afterthe data has been sent.The unit then destroys all the received data withthe error.[NAK] (15H (XX)OContent of (1 (31H): Parity error2 (32H): Data overflow error3 (33H): Framing error4 (34H): Overrun error2. After the unit has returned ACK when thecommunication was error-free, the unit operatesas follows to return the data with the followingformat.1) The response data (return data) format usedwhen the commands from the PC have beenreceived properly by the unit is as follows:[STX] [data] [ETX]02H XX.....XX 03Hexample:Send command Return data = Receive data[STX] QOP [ETX] 5 [ACK] [STX] OEJ [ETX][STX] QCD [ETX] 5 [ACK] [STX] CD (((((((((( [ETX]When using a PC to control the unit, check the unit’soperations carefully.It is recommended that the unit be controlled whilesimultaneously monitoring its status information.