89RS-232C$ Query control commandsData transmitted by PC Data returned from unit in response Description of command[STX] QIR [ETX] [STX] LUImdata [ETX]Parameterm = R: READ OKE: READ NGdata = U7U6U5U4U7U3U2U1U0The user ID is returned as an 8-character ASCII code.Binary 4BITa87ASCII code: 0—9, A—FQueries the user ID recorded on the playback tape.[STX] QLA:m [ETX]Parameterm = I: Operation modeD: Time setting[STX] LAmn [ETX]Parameterm = I: Operation modem = D: Time settingn = 0: 30 seconds1: 1 minute2: 1 minute and 30 seconds3: 2 minutes4: 3 minutes5: 6 minutes6: 10 minutes7: CONTINUERecording continues untilthe tape-end.8: MANUALRecording is performed onlywhile an alarm signal isinput.n = S: STOPStop mode at tape-endpositionC: CONTINUEAlarm signal input isignored.Queries the operation mode that is to be established whenan alarm signal has been input at the tape-end position, andthe duration of the alarm recording and/or sensor recording.[STX] QIW [ETX] [STX] LIWabcdefgh:ijklmnop [ETX]Parametera—p = 1—8: Program registrationnumber (PGM1—PGM8)F: Timer is not set.a = Program 1 on Sundayb = Program 1 on Mondayc = Program 1 on Tuesdayd = Program 1 on Wednesdaye = Program 1 on Thursdayf = Program 1 on Fridayg = Program 1 on Saturdayh = Daily program 1i = Program 2 on Sundayj = Program 2 on Mondayk = Program 2 on Tuesdayl = Program 2 on Wednesdaym =Program 2 on Thursdayn = Program 2 on Fridayo = Program 2 on Saturdayp = Daily program 2Queries the weekly timer and daily timer setting.