– 118 –MAIN Menu Screen 1 of 4 (SUB menus)SKIN TONE DTL screenThe camera’s skin tone detail settings are performed on this screen.ItemSKIN TONE DTLSKIN TONE HUESKIN TONELEVELSKIN TONEWIDTHSKIN TONECORINGSKIN TONEZEBRAVariablerangeONOFF103...1431...25...501...15...301...5...15ONOFFRemarksThis selects ON or OFF for the skintone detail.This sets the skin tone hue (for settingthe phase of the skin tone detectionrange).The hue is changed in the phasedirection.This sets the skin tone level (for settingthe intensity of the colors in the skintone detection range).The level is changed in the amplitudedirection.This sets the skin tone widthThis sets the range of colors to betreated as the skin tone from amongthe colors set by SKIN TONE HUE andLEVEL.The higher the number selected, thewider the skin tone range.This sets the skin tone coring.The amount of detail in the skin tonerange is changed.This selects ON or OFF for ZEBRA inthe skin tone range.This changes the coring in the rangeacross which ZEBRA can be seen.VFdisplayENGENGENGENGENGENGThe underlining in the variable range column indicates the setting in the preset mode.USER menu: The USER menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UP button areheld down together.» indicates an ON/OFF setting.|Note{All the displays except the changedata are cleared while the hue, level,width and coring data of the skintone is being changed.The underlining in the variable rangecolumn indicates the setting in thepreset mode.S K I N T O N ES K I N T O N ES K I N T O N ES K I N T O N ES K I N T O N ES K I N T O N ES K I N T O N E:::::O F F1 50 5: O F F1 0 32 5¢| D T LD T LH U EL E VW I DC O RZ E B RE LT HI GNA{»»