– 121 –MAIN Menu Screen 2 of 4 (SUB menus)VF DISPLAY screenWhat information is to be displayed inside the viewfinder is set on this screen.ItemDISPCONDITIONDISP MODESAFETY ZONECENTER MARKVF OUTVF DTLZEBRA1DETECTZEBRA2DETECTVariablerangeNORMALHOLD1-3OFF-3-6ONOFFYNAMRGB02450%...70%...110%50%...85%...110%RemarksNORMAL: The statuses are displayedat all times.HOLD: The statuses are displayedonly when the MODE CHECK switch isat ON.This selects ON or OFF for the safetyzone selection display.1: 80%, 90% corner display2: 80% corner display3: 90% corner display4: 80%, 90% box display5: 80% box display6: 90% box displayThis selects ON or OFF for the centermark display.This selects the VF output.NAM (N Additive Mix)The signals with the highest levelamong the R, G and B signals areoutput.This selects the VF detail.The detail of the VF signals is furtherboosted. At the “0” setting, the detail isthe same as for the main-line signals.This sets the ZEBRA1 detection level(IRE value).This sets the ZEBRA2 detection level(IRE value).VFdisplayUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGChangeFILTERGAINAWBAUTO KNEE SWSHUTTERABB STATUSAWB STATUSDisplay1 2 3q q øq q øq q øq ø øq ø øq ø øq ø øV F D I S P L A Y {%%V FD I S PD I S PCON D I T I O N :::::::::N O RM A LMOD E 3S A F E T Y Z ON E 3C E N T E R MA R K O NOU TV F D T LY2Z E B R A 1Z E B R A 2Z E B R A 2D E T E C T 0 7 0D E T E C T 0 8 5S P O T¢|:I T V 4 5 %L L L LO W GHThe underlining in the variable range column indicates the setting in the preset mode.USER menu: The USER menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UP button areheld down together.