– 126 –ItemFILTER INHSHOCKLESSAWBCOLOR BARS.GAIN OFFS.IRIS/S.BLK SWS.BLK LVLECU DATA SAVEVariablerangeONOFFOFFNORMALSLOWFASTSMPTESNGS.GAINL/M/HS.IRISS.BLKINHp10p20p30ONOFFRemarksThis switches whether the AWBmemory (A and B channels) data is tobe stored for each filter.ON: The data is stored in the A and Bchannel memories (2 memory units)only regardless of the filter.OFF: The data is stored for each filter.(4q2r8 memory units)This selects ON (NORMAL/SLOW/FAST) or OFF for shockless AWB.“Shockless AWB” ensures that a shockwill not result when the A, B or PRSTsetting of the WHITE BAL switch ischanged. FAST (high speed),NORMAL (normal speed) or SLOW(low speed) can be set as the selectiontime. FAST (approx. 0.5 sec),NORMAL (approx. 1 sec),SLOW (approx. 3 sec)This selects the type of color bars.SMPTE: SMPTE color barsSNG: SNG (split) color barsThis selects the method used torelease the super gain mode.S.GAIN: The mode is released by thesuper gain switch only.L/M/H: The mode is released bychanging the L/M/H switch setting.This allocates the function of the sidepanel switch.S.IRIS: The switch works as a superiris function.S.BLK: The switch works as a superblack function.FINH: Both the super iris and superblack functions are inhibited.This sets the super black level.ON: The data controlled by ECU isstored in the memory.OFF: The data is not stored in thememory.VFdisplayENGENGENGENGENGENGENGMAIN Menu Screen 2 of 4 (SUB menus)CAMERA SW MODE screenThe camera’s switch modes are set on this screen.FS.BLK is a function which enablesthe master pedestal to be set lowerthan the pedestal level. It is usedwhen the black figures displayed onthe screen have become lighter dueto mist, etc.The underlining in the variable range column indicates the setting in the preset mode.USER menu: The USER menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UP button areheld down together.C A M E R A S W MO D E {:::::F I L T E R I N HI N HS H O C K L E S S A W B N O RM A LC O L O R B A R S M P T ES .S .G A I N L / M / HO F FI R I S S ./ B L K WSO N::S . V LLB L KE C U D A T A S A V E O F F¢|∂ 1 0