– 146 –MAIN Menu Screen 4 of 4 (SUB menus)INITIALIZE screenThe MENU display item settings are reset on this screen. Align the arrow (>) with the item and press the UP or DOWN button toinitiate the corresponding operation.|Note{The camera ID is not returned to the factory setting.DIAGNOSTIC screenThe unit’s operating statuses and software version are displayed on this screen.ItemREAD FACTORYDATAWRITE USERDATAVariablerange————RemarksThis returns the menu data to thefactory settings.This saves the menu data inherent tothe user in the camera’s memory.VFdisplayENGENGItemOPERATIONDRUM RUNNINGTHREADINGVTR SYSCONCAM SYSCONDATA ROMDVVariablerange——————————————RemarksUnit’s operating time with the powerONRotating time of the drumNumber of times the tape has beenloadedSoftware version displaySoftware version displaySoftware version displaySoftware version displayVFdisplayENGENGENGENGENGENGENG¡The DIAGNOSTIC screen can be displayed on the viewfinder when the MENU SET/OFF switch is set to SET while the HOLD button is held down, and the PAGE switchis pressed.The underlining in the variable range column indicates the setting in the preset mode.USER menu: The USER menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UP button areheld down together.I N I T I A L I Z ER E A D F A C T O R Y D A T AD A T AW R I T E U S E R{¢|D I A GNO S T I C {O P E R A T I ON :::0 0 0 0 0 ∑ 1D R UM R U N N I NGT H R E A D I NGV T R S Y S CONS Y S CONV e r |PC AMD A T ROMA01 . 0 0 {V e r | 1 . 0 1 . 0{V e r | 1 . 0 {D V V e r | 1 . 0 0 {∑∑ . ∑∑ . ∑∑h0 0 0 0 0 ∑ 1 00 0 0 0 0 ∑ 1 0h|