– 141 –E V A L U A T I O N {S / N O F FO F FO F FO F FMO D U L A T I O NT I O NR E S O L US E N S I T I V I T Y::::¢|ItemBLACKWHITE (V.SAW)BLACK COMPEWHITE COMPEVariablerange————ONOFFONOFFRemarksThis initiates AUTO BLACK SHADING(DIGITAL start).This initiates AUTO BLACK SHADING(V.SAW start).This selects ON or OFF for the digitalblack shading compensation.This selects ON or OFF for the digitalwhite shading compensation.VFdisplayENGENGENGENGMAIN Menu Screen 4 of 4 (SUB menus)AUTO SHADING screenThe AUTO SHADING items are set on this screen. Align the arrow with the BLACK or WHITE item and press the UP or DOWNbutton to initiate the corresponding operation.The underlining in the variable range column indicates the setting in the preset mode.USER menu: The USER menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UP button areheld down together.|Note{When the AUTO W/B BAL switch is held down at the ABB position for 10 or moreseconds, the auto black shading compensation is performed automatically.EVALUATION screenThe items on this screen are set when an evaluation is to be performed.ItemS/NMODULATIONRESOLUTIONSENSITIVITYVariablerangeONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFRemarksThis sets the signal-to-noise ratiomeasurement to ON or OFF.This sets the modulation measurementto ON or OFF.This sets the resolution measurementto ON or OFF.This sets the sensitivity measurementto ON or OFF.VFdisplayENGENGENGENG{A U T O S H A D I N GB L A C KB L A C KW H I T EW H I T E( V . S A W ): O N: O N¢|C OM P EC OM P E