– 120 –ItemR FLAREG FLAREB FLARER GAMMAB GAMMAVariablerange0...1000...1000...100p15...o0...o15p15...o0...o15VFdisplayENGENGENGENGENGMAIN Menu Screen 1 of 4 (SUB menus)FLARE/GAMMA screenThe flare and gamma settings of the camera are performed on this screen.μ 0 0μ 0 0F L A R EF L A R EF L A R EF L A R E/ G A MM AG A MM AG A MM A{R : 0 0 0G : 0 0 0B : 0 0 0R :B :¢|CAMERA SETTING screenThe basic settings of the camera are performed on this screen. Before each screen item is an asterisk (“E”) or dot (“.”) whichrespectively indicates whether the setting is ON or OFF.E: ON. : OFFItemDETAIL2D LPFSUPER COLORGAMMATEST SAWFLAREH-F COMPE.NEGATIVE DTLVariablerangeONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFRemarksThis selects ON or OFF for the H andV detail. (The ON or OFF settingapplies to both the H and V detail.)This selects ON or OFF for the2-dimensional low-pass filter, whichreduces cross-color.This selects ON or OFF for the modein which the dynamic range of thecolor is to be expanded.The item is used to boost the colorabove the knee point.This selects ON or OFF for the gammacorrection.This selects ON or OFF for the testsignal.This selects ON or OFF for the flarecompensation.This selects ON or OFF for the modein which the high-frequency detail isenhanced.This selects ON or OFF for the DTLsignal from the setup level (7.5%) tothe blanking level.VFdisplayENGENGENGENGENGENGENGENGC A M E R A / S E T T I N G {E D E T A I L. 2 D L P FE S U P E R C O L O RE N E G A T I V E D T LE G A MM A. T E S T S A WE F L A R EE H∂ F C OM P E¢|The underlining in the variable rangecolumn indicates the setting in thepreset mode.USER menu: The USER menu ap-pears when theMENU switch is setto SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu ap-pears when theMENU switch is setto SET while theSHIFT/ITEM buttonand UP button areheld down together.RemarksThis sets the R channel flare.The preset value differs depending onthe camera.This sets the G channel flare.The preset value differs depending onthe camera.This sets the B channel flare.The preset value differs depending onthe camera.This sets the correction value for the Rchannel gamma in respect of themaster gamma level.This sets the correction value for the Bchannel gamma in respect of themaster gamma level.