– 123 –ItemEXTENDERSHUTTERTAPEBATTERYFILTERWHITEGAINLEVEL METERIRISCAMERA IDVariablerangeONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFCH1CH1QCH2OFFIRISSoIRISSOFFONOFFRemarksThis selects ON or OFF for theextender display.This selects ON or OFF for the shutterspeed display.This selects ON or OFF for theremaining tape length display.This selects ON or OFF for the batteryvoltage display.This selects ON or OFF for the filterNo. display.This selects ON or OFF for the AWBPRE/A/B display.This selects ON or OFF for thecurrently selected gain display.This selects the audio level meterdisplay.CH1: The CH1 signal level only isdisplayed.CH1/CH2: Both the CH1 and CH2signal levels are displayed.OFF: No display.IRIS: Only the f-number is displayed.SμIRIS: Both the super iris ON statusand f-number are displayed.S: Only the super iris ON status isdisplayed.OFF: Neither the super iris ON statusnor f-number is displayed.This selects ON or OFF for mixing theID during color bar recording.VFdisplayUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGUSERENGMAIN Menu Screen 2 of 4 (SUB menus)VF INDICATOR screenWhat information is to be displayed inside the viewfinder is set on this screen.I N D I C A T O R {E X T E N D E R ::::::::::O NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NS H U T T E RT A P EB A T T E R YF I L T E RWH I T EG A I NL E V E L M E T E R C H 1I R I S S I R I SC A M E R A I DV F¢|μThe underlining in the variable range column indicates the setting in the preset mode.USER menu: The USER menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET.ENG menu: The ENG menu appears when the MENU switch is set to SET while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UP button areheld down together.