– 80 –Setting the Electronic ShutterChanging the Shutter Speed/Mode Selection RangeThe shutter speed selection range can be limited to the required range and whether to use aspecial operation mode can be selected at the SHUTTER SPEED page of the setting menu. Theunit is set so that the SHUTTER SPEED page is not displayed when shipped from the factory. Tooperate the SHUTTER SPEED page, switch the unit to engineer mode or select the SHUTTERSPEED page at the MENU SELECT page beforehand.1 Set the MENU SET/OFF switch to the SET position while the SHIFT/ITEM button and UPbutton are held down together.2 Press the PAGE button to display the MAIN menu screen 2 of 4.3 Press the SHIFT/ITEM button to move the cursor to the “SHUTTER SPEED” position.4 Press the UP or DOWN button to open the SHUTTER SPEED page.5 Press the SHIFT/ITEM button repeatedly to move the cursor to the position of the mode orshutter speed to be set.6 The selected mode or speed changes from used (ON) to not used (OFF) and vice versa eachtime the UP (or DOWN) button is pressed.7 When menu operations have been completed, set the MENU SET/OFF switch to OFF. Thesetting menu disappears from the viewfinder screen and the displays indicating the unit’scurrent status appear at the top and bottom of the viewfinder screen.|Note{When operating the unit from the AQ-EC1 extension control unit (option), even if the SHUTTERSPEED page is operated from the unit, the switches of the AQ-EC1 have priority regarding theactual shutter speed.¡See “Setting Menu Configuration” (page 51) for a description of engineering mode and selectingdisplay pages.Changing the lris Automatic Adjustment Reference ValueTo change one of the reference values, use the UP or DOWN button to change the A.IRIS LEVEL,A.IRIS PEAK/AVE and/or A.IRIS MODE value on the “GENLOCK/IRIS” SUB menu page of MAINmenu screen 3 of 4.|Note{The ON/OFF status for each item isindicated by displaying an asterix (E)or period (.) in front of the item on thescreen.S H U T T E R S P E E D {EEEEEEES Y N C H R O S C A N. S U P E R V1 / 1 0 01 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1 2 02 5 05 0 02 0 0 01 0 0 0¢|