20POTTERY, EARTHENWARE, STONEWAREIf completely glazed, these dishes are suitable. Do not useif partially glazed or unglazed, since they are able toabsorb water which in turn absorbs microwave energy,making the container very hot and slows down the cookingof food.FOIL/METAL CONTAINERSNEVER ATTEMPT TO COOK IN FOIL OR METALcontainers on Microwave only as the microwaves cannotpass through and the food will not heat evenly, it may alsodamage your oven. Small items in shallow foil containerscan be REHEATED in the microwave, as long ascontainers do not touch the oven walls or door. Foil andmetal containers can be used on Grill and Convectionmodes and may be used with care during certainCombination cooking, as long as they are not damaged ordented.CLING FILMMicrowave cling film can only be used for covering foodthat is reheated by microwave. It is also useful for coveringfood to be cooked, but care should be taken to avoid thefilm being in direct contact with the food. DO NOT USEON ANY OTHER COOKING MODE.ROASTING BAGSRoasting bags are useful when slit up one side to tent ajoint, for roasting by power and time. Do not use the metaltwists supplied, when using Microwave or Combination.ALUMINIUM FOILSmall amounts of smooth aluminium foil can be used toSHIELD joints of meat during defrosting and cooking byMicrowave, as the microwaves cannot pass through the foil,this prevents the parts shielded from overcooking oroverdefrosting. Take care that the foil does not touch thesides or roof of the oven, as this may cause arcing anddamage your oven. Aluminium foil can be used forConvection cooking.Containers to use