66 Food Weight/ Choice of Time Instructions/GuidelinesQuantity Cooking Modes (mins.)BEEF – Joints from raw – Caution: Hot fat! Remove dish with care. For Guidelines see Meat Chapter page 85.Topside, Forerib, Combi: 180°C + SIM power 14 - 16 Place on low wire rack on metal tray on turntable.Sirloin per 450 g Turn halfway.Mince HIGH then MEDIUM 10 then 15 Place in micro safe dish with stock and seasonings onPOWER per 450 g turntable. Stir halfway. Cover.Rump/Sirloin 275 g (2) MEDIUM power or 6-8 Place on micro-safe rack or plate on turntable. Cover.GRILL 1 8 - 10 Place on high wire rack on metal tray on turntable.Turn halfway.Stewing Steak 450 g- 675 g HIGH then SIMMER 10 then 60 Place in micro-safe dish with stock and vegetables onPOWER or turntable. Stir halfway. Cover.Combi: 160°C +WARM power 1hr- Place in casserole dish with stock and vegetables1hr 40 with lid on metal tray on turntable. Stir halfwayBEEFBURGERS – Fresh from raw – Caution: Hot fat! Remove grill accessories with care.HIGH power 3 - 4 Place on micro-safe rack or plate on turntable. Cover.295 g (2) or GRILL 1 10 -12 Place on high rack on metal tray on turntable.Turn halfway.Quantity Cooking Modes (mins.)BEEFBURGERS – Frozen from raw – Caution: Hot fat! Remove grill accessories with care.HIGH power 6 - 8 Place on micro-safe rack or plate on turntable. Cover.227 g (4) or GRILL1 10 - 12 Place on high rack on metal tray on turntable.Turn halfway.POINTS FOR CHECKINGAlways check that food is piping hot after reheating in the microwave. If unsure return to oven. Foods will still require a STANDTIME, especially if they cannot be stirred. The denser the food the longer the stand time.Cooking Charts