Chapter 2 Getting Started — Setting up42 - ENGLISHr When the image aspect ratio is 4:3(Unit: m)Lens type Zoom LensProjection lens Model No. ET-D75LE6 ET-D75LE10 ET-D75LE20 ET-D75LE30 ET-D75LE40 ET-D75LE8Throw ratio*1 1.2-1.4:1 1.7-2.2:1 2.1-3.1:1 3.1-6.0:1 5.9-9.5:1 9.5-17.8:1Projected image size Projection distance (L)Diagonal (SD) Height(SH) Width (SW) Min.(LW)Max.(LT)Min.(LW)Max.(LT)Min.(LW)Max.(LT)Min.(LW)Max.(LT)Min.(LW)Max.(LT)Min.(LW)Max.(LT)1.78 (70") 1.067 1.422 1.66 1.99 2.33 3.01 3.00 4.37 4.34 8.46 8.37 13.43 13.24 25.182.03 (80") 1.219 1.626 1.91 2.28 2.67 3.46 3.44 5.01 4.98 9.69 9.59 15.37 15.19 28.832.29 (90") 1.372 1.829 2.16 2.58 3.02 3.90 3.89 5.65 5.61 10.93 10.80 17.32 17.14 32.472.54 (100") 1.524 2.032 2.40 2.87 3.36 4.35 4.33 6.29 6.25 12.16 12.02 19.26 19.08 36.123.05 (120") 1.829 2.438 2.89 3.46 4.05 5.24 5.21 7.57 7.52 14.63 14.46 23.14 22.98 43.423.81 (150") 2.286 3.048 3.63 4.34 5.08 6.57 6.53 9.49 9.43 18.33 18.11 28.97 28.82 54.365.08 (200") 3.048 4.064 4.86 5.82 6.81 8.80 8.74 12.70 12.61 24.50 24.20 38.68 38.56 72.606.35 (250") 3.810 5.080 6.09 7.29 8.53 11.03 10.94 15.90 15.79 30.67 30.29 48.39 48.29 90.847.62 (300") 4.572 6.096 7.32 8.76 10.25 13.26 13.15 19.11 18.97 36.84 36.38 58.10 58.03 109.088.89 (350") 5.334 7.112 8.55 10.23 11.98 15.48 15.35 22.31 22.15 43.00 42.47 67.81 67.76 127.3210.16 (400") 6.096 8.128 9.78 11.71 13.70 17.71 17.56 25.51 25.33 49.17 48.56 77.52 77.50 145.5712.70 (500") 7.620 10.160 12.24 14.65 17.15 22.16 21.96 31.92 31.69 61.51 60.75 96.94 96.97 182.0515.24 (600") 9.144 12.192 14.69 17.60 20.59 26.62 26.37 38.33 38.06 73.85 72.93 116.36 116.44 218.5325.40 (1000") 15.240 20.320 24.53 29.38 34.38 44.44 44.01 63.96 63.50 123.20 121.65 194.04 194.32 ―Lens type Fixed-focus LensProjection lens Model No. ET-D75LE90*2 ET-D75LE50Throw ratio*1 0.47:1 0.9:1Projected image size Projectiondistance(L1)Distance between projector andscreenProjectiondistance (L)Diagonal (SD) Height(SH) Width (SW) (L4) (A1) Fixed1.78 (70") 1.067 1.422 ― ― ― 1.242.03 (80") 1.219 1.626 ― ― ― 1.432.29 (90") 1.372 1.829 ― ― ― 1.612.54 (100") 1.524 2.032 ― ― ― 1.803.05 (120") 1.829 2.438 1.14 0.14 0.32 - 0.49 2.173.81 (150") 2.286 3.048 1.42 0.42 0.43 - 0.65 2.735.08 (200") 3.048 4.064 1.89 0.89 0.62 - 0.91 3.676.35 (250") 3.810 5.080 2.36 1.35 0.81 - 1.16 4.617.62 (300") 4.572 6.096 2.82 1.82 0.99 - 1.42 5.548.89 (350") 5.334 7.112 3.29 2.29 1.18 - 1.68 6.4810.16 (400") 6.096 8.128 3.76 2.75 1.37 - 1.94 7.4112.70 (500") 7.620 10.160 4.69 3.69 1.74 - 2.46 9.2815.24 (600") 9.144 12.192 5.62 4.62 2.11 - 2.97 11.1525.40 (1000") 15.240 20.320 ― ― ― 18.64*1 The throw ratio is based on the value during projection with the projected image size of 3.81 m (150").*2 When the Fixed-focus Lens (Model No.: ET-D75LE90) is attached, the projection relation between the screen and the projector differs from that ofother lenses. Refer to “For the Fixed-focus Lens (Model No.: ET-D75LE90)” (x page 37) for details.Formula for calculating the projection distance per projection lensTo use a projected image size not listed in this manual, check the projected image size SD (m) and use therespective formula to calculate projection distance.The unit of all the formulae is m. (Values obtained by the following calculation formulae contain a slight error.)When calculating a projection distance using image size designation (value in inches), multiply the value in inchesby 0.0254 and substitute it into SD in the formula for calculating the projection distance.r Zoom LensProjection lens Model No. Throw ratio Aspect ratio Projection distance (L) formulaMin. (LW) Max. (LT)ET-D75LE61.0 - 1.2:1 16:10 = 0.8549 x SD - 0.0566 = 1.0242 x SD - 0.07361.0 - 1.2:1 16:9 = 0.8786 x SD - 0.0566 = 1.0527 x SD - 0.07361.2 - 1.4:1 4:3 = 0.9679 x SD - 0.0566 = 1.1596 x SD - 0.0736ET-D75LE101.4 - 1.8:1 16:10 = 1.1985 x SD - 0.0857 = 1.5490 x SD - 0.10851.4 - 1.8:1 16:9 = 1.2318 x SD - 0.0857 = 1.5921 x SD - 0.10851.7 - 2.2:1 4:3 = 1.3569 x SD - 0.0857 = 1.7538 x SD - 0.1085ET-D75LE201.8 - 2.6:1 16:10 = 1.5334 x SD - 0.0832 = 2.2280 x SD - 0.11621.8 - 2.6:1 16:9 = 1.5760 x SD - 0.0832 = 2.2900 x SD - 0.11622.1 - 3.1:1 4:3 = 1.7361 x SD - 0.0832 = 2.5226 x SD - 0.1162