Chapter 3: Configuring Your LibrarySetting Up the Network Configuration162 Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s GuideSetting Up the Network ConfigurationIf your library has an MCB2 installed, you can configure two (2) networksettings for your library. When looking at the Setup > Network Settingsmenu, you’ll notice two (2) interface options. Depending on what youhave enabled, you’ll see IPv4 or IPv6 listed.The intended use of these settings is twofold:• Interface 1 is for configuring a gateway to go outside the network.• Interface 2 is for accessing devices on it’s own network, encryptionkeys and for security. You cannot configure a gateway and cannotaccess any devices outside the network. You can access the libraryfrom a browser, however.Make sure that your library is attached to a network before you use theNetwork Configuration command.Caution: When configuring both interface settings, the IPs must beon separate subnets. If you configure the second interfacewith the same IP, you will not be able to save theconfiguration settings.Caution: You must fully understand all network issues before youchange the network configuration for an alreadyconfigured library. It is recommended that you consult withyour network administrator before changing your networkconfiguration.Note: To set up an iPv6 network connection, make sure that the IPv6option is enabled on the Physical Library dialog, as describedin Setting Up Policies for the Physical Library on page 180.Note: For all site-to-site customer firewall network settings, seeAppendix B, Network Port Settings.1 Log on as an administrator.