Chapter 15: Maintaining Your LibraryMonitoring the LibraryQuantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide 5232 From the Drive Status dialog box, you can perform the followingtasks:• Change the sorting of drives in the status list (for example, bytype or location) by clicking the column heading by which youwant the drives sorted. Repeatedly clicking a column headingtoggles between ascending and descending order.• Mail, save, or print status information by using the Send button(see Mailing, Saving, and Printing Status Information onpage 548).MonitoringConnectivity StatusThe following dialog boxes display status information aboutconnectivity:• The IO Blade Status dialog box displays information about the I/Oblades.Note: If the library does not detect at least one chassismanagement blade (CMB) in the library, the IO Bladeselection does not appear on the menu.• The Fibre Channel Status dialog box displays information aboutthe FC connections on the MCB and the I/O blades (if any exist).Control Path Reports if a drive is a primary (CP) or a secondary (CPF) drive. The values arePrimary, Secondary, or None. It also reports which drive is currently the activedrive by displaying “(Active)”, example “Primary (Active)”.”Data PathFailoverIndicates whether data path failover is enabled or disabled.Encryption Indicates whether or not encryption is set up as Application Managed orLibrary Managed.Partition Name The name of the partition to which the drive is assigned.Usage Type Indicates whether the drive is configured as a Standard drive (used for dataread/write) or as aEDLM drive (part of a Library Managed partition for testingmedia integrity).Only LTO-5 or later drives can be configured as MeDIA drives.Element Description