Chapter 15: Maintaining Your LibraryMaintenance Actions616 Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s GuideSetting Up AdvancedReporting OptionsReports let you see information about your library at a glance, and helpyou identify trends and changes over time. You can manually generatereports as needed. In addition, if the advanced reporting optionsfeature is licensed for your library, the LMC can automatically generatereports and e-mail them to designated recipients at specified times.Note: The Advanced Reporting feature is available viaremote accessonly.The LMC can automatically generate and e-mail the following reports:• Drive Utilization Report• Tickets Report• LUN Mapping Report• Media Reports• Integrity Analysis• Usage• Security• Moves• Library Configuration Report• Partition Utilization ReportTo automatically generate reports, set up one or more scheduled jobsusing advanced reporting options. You can specify when and how oftenthe report is generated, what report templates are used, and whiche-mail recipients receive the report. You can also edit and deletescheduled jobs.Note: To automatically send reports to recipients, the library must beconfigured for sending e-mail. For more information, seeConfiguring E-mail on page 187.Saving Report Criteria TemplatesTo schedule a job for a report, that report must have at least onetemplate. A template is a saved set of report criteria that customize thecontent and appearance of a report.