Chapter 3: Configuring Your LibrarySetting Up Media Security Notifications196 Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s GuideSetting Up Media Security NotificationsNote: You need an Advanced Reporting License installed on thelibrary in order to use media security notifications. See EnablingLicenses on page 125.You can configure the library to automatically notify you via a RAS ticketwhen media is moved in or out of the library, either intentionally orunintentionally. First, you must choose under which circumstances youwish to be notified, and then you must enable automatic inventory onthe library.1 Log on as administrator.2 Click Setup > Notifications > Media Security. The Media SecurityNotifications dialog box appears.3 Check the box to the left of your media security notification choices.You can select as many as you want:• Unexpected Removal Detection After Power-up and RebootOnly — Media were physically removed from the library when itwas powered down.• Unexpected Removal Detection During Library Operation —While library is powered up someone opens the door of thelibrary and removes media.• Expected Removal Detection From I/E Slots During LibraryOperation — Media are exported to the I/E (via backup