Chapter 2: Troubleshooting Your LibraryWorking With Tickets80 Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s GuideTo load the saved report criteria at a later time, click the template inthe list, and then click View to generate the report.5 To close the Report Criteria dialog box, click Cancel.Mailing, Saving, andPrinting TicketInformationThe Send button on the Ticket Details dialog box enables you to senddetailed ticket information, including all report details, to e-mailaddresses. If you are accessing the LMC from a remote client, Send alsoenables you to save the information to a file or print it.Note: You can mail, save, or print ticket information from a remoteclient. However, you cannot save or print the information fromthe library’s touch screen.Ticket information that a user sends by using the Send button isessentially the same as the information that the library automaticallyprovides in e-mail notifications (see E-mail Notifications on page 47).The only differences are that the subject line states “Library RASInformation” and the body of the message does not have a “REASONFOR AUTOMATED E-MAIL” section, but it has a “REPAIR ANDTROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED” section.The message body also includes the following information, whichprovides details about the ticket and library conditions at the time ofthe event:• Ticket summary• Ticket details, including status information• Firmware versions, including MCB, RCU, CMB, and drive bricks• Physical library configuration• Library states, such as physical library online or offline, partitionsonline or offline, or robotics varied on or varied off• Time stamps of recent activity• Report summary• Report details for the ticketThe RAS repair page attachment is in HTML format.