Chapter 16: Working With Cartridges and BarcodesManaging and Moving MediaQuantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide 6996 Click a cartridge to highlight it, and then click Import.The picker automatically moves the cartridge from the I/E station tothe first available empty slot in that partition. You cannot manuallyspecify the slot.Exporting CartridgesFrom PartitionsWhen partitions are created, specific I/E station slots are associated withthat partition. When you export cartridges in a library with partitions,cartridges are exported to the partition’s I/E station slots. You can onlyexport cartridges if I/E station slots for that partition are empty.1 Make sure that you are viewing the partition from which you wantto export a data cartridge. From the View menu, click the name ofthe appropriate partition.Click Operations > Export or click the Export toolbar button. TheExport Media dialog box appears with a list of cartridges in thepartition displayed.Note: The physical library must be online.If the partition is not offline, you receive a message that asksyou whether you want to take it offline. Click Yes.Slot The number of the slot in the I/E station magazine. To understand the locationdesignation, see Understanding Location Coordinates on page 459.IE Station The number of the module. To understand the location designation, seeUnderstanding Location Coordinates on page 459.Magazine The number of the magazine (section) where the slot is located, numberedfrom the top down. To understand the location designation, seeUnderstanding Location Coordinates on page 459.Results “Imported” or “Failed”.Element Description