Chapter 15: Maintaining Your LibraryMaintenance Actions592 Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s GuideUpdating DriveFirmwareBefore you install a new drive firmware image, you must download it tothe library’s MCB from the remote client’s file system. You must performthe download from a remote client.It is important to make sure that the library is running the appropriatelevel of drive firmware, compatible with the drive type. To determine theappropriate drive firmware, see the library’sRelease Notes or contactQuantum technical support. If you want to update drive firmware byusing I/O blades or Ethernet Expansion Blades (EEB), perform theprocedure in this section. Drives that are not attached to I/O blades orEthernet Expansion Blades must be updated by using update tapes.You can perform drive firmware updates from either the library’s touchscreen or a remote client, but you must perform drive firmwaredownloads from a remote client.Note: If you are viewing a partition, you can only set up update drivefirmware for drives within the partition.Note: Before you begin the following procedure, make sure that youhave obtained the new drive firmware image from Quantumand placed it in an accessible location on your laptop.Select Tools > Update Software > Drives to update drive brickfirmware on one or more drives by using either update tapes or drivefirmware images that you have downloaded to the library. This sectionincludes the following subsections:• Download Drive Firmware on page 592• Updating Drive Firmware Using Firmware Images on page 595• Updating Drive Firmware Using Update Tapes on page 597Download Drive FirmwareNote: Before performing a firmware upgrade, we recommend thatyou shut down and restart the library.1 Log on as service.2 You can access the Update Drive Firmware dialog box whileviewing either the physical library or a partition. From the View