January 20076-106 WorkCentre 7132Controller & Fax NVM ListReversion 4.0General procedures information770-103 Gateway Address 0x00000000~0xFFFFFFFF0.0.0.0 Read/Write 00000000~FFFFFFFF770-110 DNS Auto Config. 0~0x10 DHCP Read/Write 0x10: Manual Setting, 0x02: DHCP770-112 DNS Domain Name - NULL Read/Write DNS Domain Name (Normally, it is within 255 characters including the “.”(dot) at the end which is not displayed)770-120 WINS Auto Config. - DHCP Read/Write 0x10: Manual Setting, 0x02: DHCP770-121 WINS Server Address 1 - Read/Write 00000000~FFFFFFFF770-123 WINS Server Address 2 0x00000000~0xFFFFFFFF0.0.0.0 Read/Write 00000000~FFFFFFFF770-130 Enable Setting 0~1 1: Enable Read/Write 0: Disable 1: Enable770-131 Transport 0~3 2: UDP Read/Write 0: both OFF, 1: IPX, 2: UDP, 3: both ON770-133 Community Name (For Set/Get Access) - NULL(Replace to“fxSystem-Mgr” on thePDU)Read/Write JISX0201 Character Code 12 Characters770-140 Enable Setting 0~1 1: Enable Read/Write 0: Disable 1: Enable770-150 Enable Setting 0~1 0; 1: Disable Read/Write 0: Disable 1: Enable770-160 Enable Setting 0~1 0: Disable Read/Write 0: Disable 1: Enable770-166 No. of concurrent requests received 1~10 5 Read/Write 1~10770-190 Enable, Disable 0~1 1: Enable Read/Write 1: Enable, 0: Disable770-191 Addressee of Mail Sender (Self-machinemail address)- NULL Read/Write Maximum 128 ASCII characters (Character type includes alphanumeric, [@][.(period)][+][-][=][_ (underscore)][/][<][>]) username@domain.name format770-202 SMTP Mail Server IP Address 0x00000000~0xFFFFFFFF0.0.0.0 Read/Write 00000000~FFFFFFFF770-222 Start Setup 0, 1 1 Read/Write 0: Stop, 1: Start770-250 Adobe Communication Protocol 0~2 0: Standard Read/Write 0: Standard, 1: Binary, 2: TBCP770-251 JCL Switch 0~1 0: ON Read/Write 0: OFF 1: ON770-252 Print Mode 1~29 Auto Read/Write 1: Auto, 14: Dump, 15: ART, 16: PLW, 3: HPGL2, 8: ESCP, 5: PostScript, 10:TIFF, 2: PCL, 17: KS5843, 18: KSSM, 29: KS5895.770-254 Enable Setting 0~1 1: Enable Read/Write 0: Disable 1: Enable770-255 Auto Feed Time 0~255 6 (30sec) Read/Write 1-255 (5-1275 sec)770-280 Enable Setting 0~1 1: Enable Read/Write 0: Disable 1: Enable770-281 Print Mode 1~29 10: TIFF Read 1: Auto, 14: Dump, 15: ART, 16: PLW, 3: HPGL2, 8: ESCP, 5: PostScript, 10:TIFF, 2: PCL, 17: KS5843, 18: KSSM, 29: KS5895.Refer to the FF Host I/F of each product for the setup range.770-282 JCL Switch 0~1 1: ON Read 0: OFF, 1: ON770-283 Filter 0~1 0: None Read 0: None, 1: TBCP770-284 Spool Type 0~1 0: Non Spool Read 0: Non Spool (Ring Buffer), 1: Spool (RAM Disk)Table 4 I/O Port ProtocolChain-Link NVM NameSetupRange Initial Value Read/Write Description