Network Communications66.3 MEMOBUS/Modbus CommunicationsYASKAWA SIEPC71061753A GA500 Technical Manual 233Fault Code(Hex.) Name013C oFA41 [Drive Receive Time Over 4]013D oFA42 [CtrlResSel 2Err]013E oFA43 [Drive Receive Time Over 5]0401 TiM [Keypad Time Not Set]0402 bAT [Keypad Battery Low Voltage]040F SCF [Safety Circuit Fault]Fault Code(Hex.) Name0414 CP1 [Comparator 1 Limit Fault]0415 CP2 [Comparator 2 Limit Fault]0416 bCE [Bluetooth Communication Fault]041A dCE1 [Communication Error1]041B dCE2 [Communication Error2]■ Minor Fault/Alarm ContentsTable 6.15 shows the minor fault/alarm codes that communications register (007F (Hex.)) reads.Table 6.15 Minor Fault/Alarm Contents (007 (Hex.))Minor Fault/Alarm Code(Hex.) Name0001 Uv [Undervoltage]0002 ov [Overvoltage]0003 oH [Heatsink Overheat]0004 Overheat Alarm (oH2)0005 oL3 [Overtorque 1]0006 oL4 [Overtorque 2]0007 EF [FWD/REV Run Command Input Error]0008 bb [Baseblock]0009 EF3 [External Fault (Terminal S3)]000A EF4 [External Fault (Terminal S4)]000B EF5 [External Fault (Terminal S5)]000C EF6 [External Fault (Terminal S6)]000D EF7 [External Fault (Terminal S7)]0010 oS [Overspeed]0011 dEv [Speed Deviation]0012 PGo [Encoder (PG) Feedback Loss]0014 CE [Modbus Communication Error]0015 bUS [Option Communication Error]0016 CALL [Serial Comm Transmission Error]0017 oL1 [Motor Overloaded]0018 oL2 [Drive Overloaded]001A EF0 [Option Card External Fault]001B rUn [Motor Switch during Run]001D CALL [Serial Comm Transmission Error]001E UL3 [Undertorque Detection 1]001F UL4 [Undertorque Detection 2]0020 SE [Modbus Test Mode Error]0021 L24v [Loss of External Power 24 Supply]Minor Fault/Alarm Code(Hex.) Name0022 oH3 [Motor Overheat (PTC Input)]0027 FbL [PID Feedback Loss]0028 FbH [Excessive PID Feedback]002A dnE [Drive Disabled]0032 AEr [Station Address Setting Error]0033 CyC [MECHATROLINK CommCycleSettingErr]0034 HCA [High Current Alarm]0035 LT-1 [Cooling Fan Maintenance Time]0036 LT-2 [Capacitor Maintenance Time]0039 EF1 [External Fault (Terminal S1)]003A EF2 [External Fault (Terminal S2)]003B SToF [Safe Torque OFF Hardware]003D oL5 [Mechanical Weakening Detection 1]003E UL5 [Mechanical Weakening Detection 2]0042 TrPC [IGBT Maintenance Time (90%)]0043 LT-3 [SoftChargeBypassRelay MainteTime]0044 LT-4 [IGBT Maintenance Time (50%)]0045 boL [Braking Transistor Overload]0049 dWAL [DriveWorksEZ Alarm]004A dWA2 [DriveWorksEZ Alarm 2]004B dWA3 [DriveWorksEZ Alarm 3]0081 EP24v [External Power 24V Supply]0085 bAT [Keypad Battery Low Voltage]0087 CP1 [Comparator 1 Limit Error]0088 CP2 [Comparator 2 Limit Error]0089 TiM [Keypad Time Not Set]008A bCE [Bluetooth Communication Error]◆ Error Codes■ MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications Error Code ListTable 6.16 lists the MEMOBUS/Modbus communications error codes.When an error occurs, remove the cause of the error and restart communications.