12.9 L: Protection Functions692 YASKAWA SIEPC71061753A GA500 Technical ManualSetting Value Function15 Frequency Detection 3Setting Value Function16 Frequency Detection 4• When you use these functions for MEMOBUS monitor data:Register No. Description002CHDrive Status 2bit2 Speed agreement1: During agreementbit3 User-defined speed agreement1: During agreementbit4 Frequency Detection 11: Output frequency ≤ L4-01bit5 Frequency Detection 21: Output frequency ≥ L4-01004BHU1-12 [Drive Status]bit4 1: During speed agreement• When you use these functions for monitor parameters:No.(Hex.) Name DescriptionU1-12(004B)Drive Status bit 4: During speed agreement◆ L5: Fault RestartThe Auto Restart function tries to keep machines operating when the drive detects a transient fault.The drive can do a self-diagnostic check and continue the operation after a fault. If the cause of the fault goesaway, the drive does speed search and restarts. It will not stop and the drive will not record a fault history. Use L5-02 [Fault Contact at Restart Select] to select the operation of fault relay signals during Auto Restart operation.Sets if the drive will do Auto Restart and the number of times the drive will try to do Auto Restart in a set time. Ifthe number of Auto Restart tries is more than the set value during the set time, drive output shuts off and operationstops. If this happens, remove the cause of the fault and manually restart the drive.WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. Do not use the fault restart function in hoist or lifting applications. Failure to obey cancause death or serious injury.The drive can do Auto Restart when these faults occur:Note:You can disable Auto Restart for faults if you must not restart the machine after the fault.Table 12.69 List of Faults during which Auto Restart is AvailableFault Name Parameters to DisableAuto RestartGF Ground Fault L5-08LF Output Phase Loss -oC Overcurrent -oH1 Heatsink Overheat L5-08oL1 Motor Overload L5-07oL2 Drive Overload L5-07oL3 Overtorque Detection 1 L5-07oL4 Overtorque Detection 2 L5-07Fault Name Parameters to DisableAuto Restartov Overvoltage L5-08PF Input Phase Loss -rH Braking Resistor Overheat -rr Dynamic BrakingTransistor Fault -STPo Motor Step-Out Detected -Uv1 DC Bus Undervoltage *1 L5-08*1 Uv1 is the target for the auto restart process when L2-01 = 1, 2, 3, or 4 [Power Loss Ride Through Select = Enabled for L2-02 Time,Enabled while CPU Power Active, Kinetic Energy Backup: L2-02, or Kinetic Energy Backup: CPU Power].