12.5 d: References554 YASKAWA SIEPC71061753A GA500 Technical Manual◆ d6: Field Weakening /Forcingd6 parameters set the field weakening and field forcing functions.The field weakening function decreases the energy consumption of the motor. It decreases the output voltage ofthe drive to a set level. The function decreases the motor excitation current inversely proportional to speed in aconstant output range, and does not let the induced voltage of the motor become more than the power supplyvoltage. To enable this function, set Field Weakening [H1-xx = 63] ON.Note:Use the Field Weakening function in constant light-load applications. To control the energy consumption of the motor for other loadconditions, use the b8 parameters [Energy Saving].The Field Forcing function adjusts the delaying influence of the motor time constant when the drive changes theexcitation current reference and it also increases motor responsiveness. This function uses a high motor excitationcurrent reference for drive start-up only to help develop actual motor excitation current. Enable the Field Forcingfunction to increase motor responsiveness.Note:You cannot use Field Forcing during DC Injection Braking.■ d6-01: Field Weakening LevelNo.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range)d6-01(02A0)Field Weakening LevelSets the drive output voltage as a percentage of E1-05 [Maximum Output Voltage] when H1-xx =63 [Field Weakening] is activated.80%(0 - 100%)■ d6-02: Field Weakening Frequency LimitNo.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range)d6-02(02A1)Field Weakening FrequencyLimit Sets the minimum output frequency to start field weakening.0.0 Hz(0.0 - 590.0 Hz)Make sure that these two conditions are correct to enable the Field Weakening command:• The output frequency ≥ d6-02.• There is a speed agreement status.■ d6-03: Field Forcing SelectionNo.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range)d6-03(02A2)Field Forcing SelectionSets the field forcing function.0(0, 1)0 : Disabled1 : Enabled■ d6-06: Field Forcing LimitNo.(Hex.) Name Description Default(Range)d6-06(02A5)Field Forcing LimitSets the limit value for field forcing to increase the motor excitation current reference as apercentage of E2-03 [Motor No-Load Current]. Usually it is not necessary to change this setting.400%(100 - 400%)Note:You cannot use Field Forcing during DC Injection Braking.◆ d7: Offset FrequencyThe drive will use 3 digital signal inputs, to add or subtract the set frequency (Offset frequency) to/from thefrequency reference and correct the speed. The drive uses the terminal set in H1-xx = 44 to 46 [MFDI FunctionSelect = Add Offset Frequency 1 to 3] to set the Offset frequency. When you close more than one input at thesame time, the drive adds the selected offset values together.V/f OLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM EZOLVV/f OLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM EZOLVV/f OLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM EZOLVV/f OLV OLV/PMOLV/PM AOLV/PM EZOLV