xUsing This Manual Technical Terms Used in This ManualThe following terms are used in this manual. Differences in Terms for Rotary Servomotors and Linear ServomotorsThere are differences in the terms that are used for Rotary Servomotors and Linear Servomotors.This manual primarily describes Rotary Servomotors. If you are using a Linear Servomotor, youneed to interpret the terms as given in the following table.Term MeaningServomotor A Σ-7-Series Rotary Servomotor, Direct Drive Servomotor, or Linear Servomotor.Rotary ServomotorA generic term used for a Σ-7-Series Rotary Servomotor (SGMMV, SGM7J, SGM7A, SGM7P,or SGM7G) or a Direct Drive Servomotor (SGM7F, SGMCV, or SGMCS).The descriptions will specify when Direct Drive Servomotors are excluded.Linear Servomotor A Σ-7-Series Linear Servomotor (SGLG, SGLF, or SGLT).SERVOPACK A Σ-7-Series Σ-7S Servo Amplifier with MECHATROLINK-III Communications References.Servo Drive The combination of a Servomotor and SERVOPACK.Servo System A servo control system that includes the combination of a Servo Drive with a host controllerand peripheral devices.servo ON Supplying power to the motor.servo OFF Not supplying power to the motor.base block (BB) Shutting OFF the power supply to the motor by shutting OFF the base current to the powertransistor in the SERVOPACK.servo lock A state in which the motor is stopped and is in a position loop with a position reference of 0.Main Circuit Cable One of the cables that connect to the main circuit terminals, including the Main Circuit PowerSupply Cable, Control Power Supply Cable, and Servomotor Main Circuit Cable.SigmaWin+ The Engineering Tool for setting up and tuning Servo Drives or a computer in which the Engi-neering Tool is installed.Rotary Servomotors Linear Servomotorstorque forcemoment of inertia massrotation movementforward rotation and reverse rotation forward movement and reverse movementCW and CCW pulse trains forward and reverse pulse trainsrotary encoder linear encoderabsolute rotary encoder absolute linear encoderincremental rotary encoder incremental linear encoderunit: min -1 unit: mm/sunit: N·m unit: N