5.3 Troubleshooting Alarms5-12A.101:Motor Overcur-rent Detected(The current tothe motorexceeded theallowable cur-rent.)The Main CircuitCable is not wiredcorrectly or there isfaulty contact.Check the wiring. Correct the wiring. *1There is a short-circuitor ground fault in aMain Circuit Cable.Check for short-circuitsacross cable phases U, V,and W, or between theground and cable phasesU, V, and W.The cable may be short-circuited. Replace thecable.*1There is a short-circuitor ground fault insidethe Servomotor.Check for short-circuitsacross Servomotorphases U, V, and W, orbetween the ground andServomotor phases U, V,or W.The Servomotor may befaulty. Replace the Servo-motor.*1There is a short-circuitor ground fault insidethe SERVOPACK.Check for short-circuitsacross the Servomotorconnection terminals U, V,and W on the SERVO-PACK, or between theground and terminals U,V, or W.The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace the SER-VOPACK.*1A heavy load wasapplied while the Ser-vomotor was stoppedor running at a lowspeed.Check to see if the oper-ating conditions exceedServo Drive specifica-tions.Reduce the load appliedto the Servomotor. Or,increase the operatingspeed.–A malfunction wascaused by noise.Improve the noise envi-ronment, e.g. by improv-ing the wiring orinstallation conditions,and check to see if thealarm still occurs.Implement countermea-sures against noise, suchas correct wiring of theFG. Use an FG wire sizeequivalent to the SERVO-PACK’s main circuit wiresize.–A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Alarm Number:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Refer-ence