5.3 Troubleshooting Alarms5-335 MaintenanceA.E42:MECHATROLINKStation AddressSetting ErrorThe station address isoutside of the settingrange.Check rotary switches S1and S2 to see if the sta-tion address is between03 and EF.Check the setting of thestation address of thehost controller, and resetrotary switches S1 and S2to change the address toan appropriate valuebetween 03 and EF.*1Two or more stationson the communica-tions network havethe same address.Check to see if two ormore stations on thecommunications networkhave the same address.Check the setting of thestation address of thehost controller, and resetrotary switches S1 and S2to change the address toan appropriate valuebetween 03 and EF.*1A.E50*5:MECHATROLINKSynchronizationErrorThe WDT data in thehost controller wasnot updated normally.Check to see if the WDTdata is being updated atthe host controller.Correctly update the WDTdata at the host controller. –A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–A.E51:MECHATROLINKSynchronizationFailedThe WDT data at thehost controller wasnot updated correctlyat the start of syn-chronous communi-cations, sosynchronous commu-nications could not bestarted.Check to see if the WDTdata is being updated inthe host controller.Correctly update the WDTdata at the host controller. –A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–A.E60*5:Reception Error inMECHATROLINKCommunicationsMECHATROLINK wir-ing is not correct.Check the MECHA-TROLINK wiring.Correct the MECHA-TROLINK Communica-tions Cable wiring.Correctly connect the ter-minator.–A MECHATROLINKdata reception erroroccurred due tonoise.–Implement countermea-sures against noise.(Check the MECHA-TROLINK Communica-tions Cable and FGwiring, and implementmeasures such as attach-ing a ferrite core to theMECHATROLINK Com-munications Cable.)–A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Alarm Number:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Refer-ence