5.6 Troubleshooting Warnings5-44A.920:Regenerative Over-load (warning beforean A.320 alarmoccurs)The power supplyvoltage exceededthe specifiedrange.Measure the power sup-ply voltage.Set the power supply volt-age within the specifiedrange.–There is insuffi-cient externalregenerative resis-tance, regenera-tive resistorcapacity, or SER-VOPACK capac-ity, or there hasbeen a continuousregenerationstate.Check the operatingconditions or the capac-ity using the SigmaJun-maSize+ CapacitySelection Software oranother means.Change the regenerativeresistance value, regenera-tive resistance capacity, orSERVOPACK capacity.Reconsider the operatingconditions using the Sigma-JunmaSize+ CapacitySelection Software or othermeans.–There was a con-tinuous regenera-tion state becausea negative loadwas continuouslyapplied.Check the load appliedto the Servomotor duringoperation.Reconsider the systemincluding the servo,machine, and operatingconditions.–A.921:Dynamic BrakeOverload (warningbefore an A.731alarm occurs)The Servomotorwas rotated by anexternal force.Check the operation sta-tus.Implement measures toensure that the motor willnot be rotated by an exter-nal force.–When the Servo-motor wasstopped with thedynamic brake,the rotational orlinear kineticenergy exceededthe capacity of thedynamic brakeresistor.Check the power con-sumed by the DB resistorto see how frequently theDB is being used.Reconsider the following:• Reduce the Servomotorcommand speed.• Decrease the moment ofinertia or mass.• Reduce the frequency ofstopping with the dynamicbrake.–A failure occurredin the SERVO-PACK.–The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace the SERVO-PACK.–A.923:SERVOPACK Built-in Fan StoppedThe fan inside theSERVOPACKstopped.Check for foreign matterinside the SERVOPACK.Remove foreign matter fromthe SERVOPACK. If analarm still occurs, the SER-VOPACK may be faulty.Replace the SERVOPACK.–A.930:Absolute EncoderBattery Error (Theabsolute encoderbattery voltage waslower than the spec-ified level.) (Detectedonly when an abso-lute encoder is con-nected.)The battery con-nection is faulty ora battery is notconnected.Check the battery con-nection.Correct the battery connec-tion. *The battery volt-age is lower thanthe specified value(2.7 V).Measure the battery volt-age. Replace the battery. *A failure occurredin the SERVO-PACK.–The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace the SERVO-PACK.–Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Warning Number:Warning Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Refer-ence