5.3 Troubleshooting Alarms5-36*1. Refer to the following manual for details.Σ-7-Series Σ-7S SERVOPACK with MECHATROLINK-III Communications References Product Manual(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 28)*2. Detection Conditions• Rotary ServomotorIf either of the following conditions is detected, an alarm will occur.A.F50:Servomotor MainCircuit Cable Dis-connection(The Servomotordid not operate orpower was notsupplied to theServomotor eventhough theSV_ON (ServoON) commandwas input whenthe Servomotorwas ready toreceive it.)A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace the SER-VOPACK.–The wiring is not cor-rect or there is a faultycontact in the motorwiring.Check the wiring. Make sure that the Servo-motor is correctly wired. *1FL-1*5:System AlarmA failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–FL-2*5:System AlarmFL-3*5:System AlarmFL-4*5:System AlarmFL-5*5:System AlarmFL-6*5:System AlarmCPF00:Digital OperatorCommunicationsError 1There is a faulty con-tact between the Digi-tal Operator and theSERVOPACK.Check the connector con-tact.Disconnect the connec-tor and insert it again. Or,replace the cable.–A malfunction wascaused by noise. –Keep the Digital Operatoror the cable away fromsources of noise.–CPF01:Digital OperatorCommunicationsError 2A failure occurred inthe Digital Operator. –Disconnect the DigitalOperator and then con-nect it again. If an alarmstill occurs, the DigitalOperator may be faulty.Replace the Digital Oper-ator.–A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–Continued from previous page.Alarm Number:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Refer-encePn533 [min-1] 6 105Pn20EPn210Encoder resolutionPn20EPn210Maximum motor speed [min-1] Encoder resolutionApprox. 3.66 1012