5.3 Troubleshooting Alarms5-16A.400:Overvoltage(Detected in themain circuitpower supplysection of theSERVOPACK.)The power supplyvoltage exceeded thespecified range.Measure the power sup-ply voltage.Set the AC/DC powersupply voltage within thespecified range.–The power supply isnot stable or wasinfluenced by a light-ning surge.Measure the power sup-ply voltage.Improve the power sup-ply conditions, install asurge absorber, and thenturn the power supplyOFF and ON again. If analarm still occurs, theSERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace the SER-VOPACK.–The voltage for ACpower supply was toohigh during accelera-tion or deceleration.Check the power supplyvoltage and the speedand torque during opera-tion.Set the AC power supplyvoltage within the speci-fied range.–The external regener-ative resistance is toohigh for the operatingconditions.Check the operating con-ditions and the regenera-tive resistance.Select a regenerativeresistance value that isappropriate for the oper-ating conditions and load.*4The moment of inertiaratio or mass ratioexceeded the allow-able value.Check to see if themoment of inertia ratio ormass ratio is within theallowable range.Increase the decelerationtime, or reduce the load. –A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –While the main circuitpower supply is OFF, turnthe control power supplyto the SERVOPACK OFFand ON again. If an alarmstill occurs, the SERVO-PACK may be faulty.Replace the SERVO-PACK.–A.410:Undervoltage(Detected in themain circuitpower supplysection of theSERVOPACK.)The power supplyvoltage went belowthe specified range.Measure the power sup-ply voltage.Set the power supply volt-age within the specifiedrange.–The power supplyvoltage droppedduring operation.Measure the power sup-ply voltage.Increase the power supplycapacity. –A momentary powerinterruption occurred.Measure the power sup-ply voltage.If you have changed thesetting of Pn509 (Momen-tary Power InterruptionHold Time), decrease thesetting.*1The SERVOPACKfuse is blown out. –Replace the SERVO-PACK and connect areactor to the DC reactorterminals ( 1 and 2) onthe SERVOPACK.–A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –The SERVOPACK may befaulty. Replace the SER-VOPACK.–Continued from previous page.Alarm Number:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Refer-ence