3.2 Settings for Triggers at Preset Positions3.2.4 Making Settings with the MEM_WR Command3 Triggers at Preset Positions3-13Setting Details for the Write Memory (MEM_WR: 1E Hex)Command Data FormatPhases in which theCommand can be Executed 2, 3 CommandClassificationCommoncommandAsynchronouscommandProcessing TimeΣ-7-SeriesMECHATROLINK-IIICommunicationsStandard Servo Pro-file Command Man-ual (Manual No.:SIEP S800001 31)Subcommand Cannot be usedByte MEM_WR DescriptionCommand Response0 1E hex 1E hex • The MEM_WR command writes the data in virtual mem-ory by specifying the initial address, the data size andthe data for writing.• This command provides an adjustment function equiva-lent to that of the ADJ command of the MECHA-TROLINK-II compatible profile.• Confirm the completion of the command execution bychecking that RCMD = MEM_WR (= 1E hex) andCMD_STAT.CMDRDY = 1, and also checking the settingfor ADDRESS, SIZE, MODE/DATA_TYPE and DATA.In the following cases, an alarm will occur and the com-mand will not be executed.• When the ADDRESS data is invalid:CMD_ALM = 9 hex (A.94A)• When the MODE/DATA_TYPE data is invalid:CMD_ALM = 9 hex (A.94B)• When the SIZE data is invalid: CMD_ALM = 9 hex(A.94D)• When the DATA data is invalid: CMD_ALM = 9 hex(A.94B)• When the conditions for executing the adjustment oper-ation in the next page are not satisfied: CMD_ALM=Ahex (A.95A)• While editing using SigmaWin or digital operator:CMD_ALM = A hex (A.95A)Refer to the following manual for details.Σ-7-Series MECHATROLINK-III CommunicationsStandard Servo Profile Command Manual(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 31)1 WDT RWDT2 CMD_CTRL CMD_STAT34 Reserved Reserved5 MODE/DATA_-TYPEMODE/DATA_-TYPE6 SIZE SIZE78ADDRESS ADDRESS9101112DATA DATA13141516171819202122232425262728293031