5.3 Troubleshooting Alarms5 Maintenance5-35A.E74:UnsupportedSafety OptionModuleA failure occurred inthe Safety OptionModule.– Replace the Safety OptionModule. –An unsupportedSafety Option Modulewas connected.Refer to the catalog of theconnected Safety OptionModule.Connect a compatibleSafety Option Module. –A.Eb1:Safety FunctionSignal Input Tim-ing ErrorThe delay betweenactivation of the/HWBB1 and/HWBB2 input sig-nals for the HWBBwas ten second orlonger.Measure the time delaybetween the /HWBB1 and/HWBB2 signals.The output signal circuitsor devices for /HWBB1and /HWBB2 or the SER-VOPACK input signal cir-cuits may be faulty.Alternatively, the input sig-nal cables may be discon-nected. Check to see ifany of these items arefaulty or have been dis-connected.–A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. – Replace the SERVO-PACK. –A.EC8:Gate Drive Error 1(An erroroccurred in thegate drive circuit.) A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–A.EC9:Gate Drive Error 2(An erroroccurred in thegate drive circuit.)A.Ed1:Command Exe-cution TimeoutA timeout erroroccurred for aMECHATROLINKcommand.Check the motor statuswhen the command isexecuted.Execute the SV_ON orSENS_ON command onlywhen the motor is notoperating.–• For fully-closed loopcontrol, check the sta-tus of the externalencoder when the com-mand is executed.• For other types of con-trol, check the status ofthe linear encoder whenthe command is exe-cuted.Execute the SENS_ONcommand only when anexternal encoder (e.g., alinear encoder) is con-nected.–A.F10:Power SupplyLine Open Phase(The voltage waslow for more thanone second forphase R, S, or Twhen the mainpower supplywas ON.)The three-phasepower supply wiring isnot correct.Check the power supplywiring.Make sure that the powersupply is correctly wired. *1The three-phasepower supply isunbalanced.Measure the voltage foreach phase of the three-phase power supply.Balance the power sup-ply by changing phases. –A single-phase powersupply was input with-out specifying a sig-nal-phase AC powersupply input (Pn00B =n.1).Check the power supplyand the parameter set-ting.Match the parameter set-ting to the power supply. *1A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. –Turn the power supply tothe SERVOPACK OFF andON again. If an alarm stilloccurs, the SERVOPACKmay be faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.–Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Alarm Number:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Refer-ence