SHIMMING (FOR USA AND CANADA) EMeasuring steps:(1)Install the drive shaft, bearing 1 andshim(s) 2 onto the shimming gauge.NOTE:• Attach the adaptor plate to the gauge basewith four bolts of the appropriate size.• Connect the shimming gauge to the driveshaft so that the drive shaft is centered inthe gauge’s hole.• If the original shim(s) is unavailable, startwith a 0.50 mm shim.(2) Install the pinion gear and pinion gearnut.(3) Measure the specified measurement(M) using the feeler gauge.NOTE:• Measure the clearance between theshimming gauge and the pinion gear, asshown.• Perform the same measurement at threepoints on the pinion gear.• Find the average of the measurements (M).Gauge block:YB-34432-9...........................3Adapter plate:YB-34432-10.........................4Gauge base:YB-34432-11.........................5Clamp:YB-34432-17.........................6Pinion gear nut:95 Nm (9.5m• kg, 68 ft• Ib)Feeler gauge:YU-26900-8YU-26900-96-32