SHIMMING (FOR USA AND CANADA) EMeasuring steps:(1)Install the bearing, shim(s) and reversegear onto the shimming gauge.NOTE:If the original shim(s) is unavailable, startwith a 0.50 mm shim.(2) Measure the specified measurement(M) using the feeler gauge.NOTE:Check the fit between the shimming gaugeand the reverse gear.3. Adjust:• Shimming-gauge-to-press-plateclearanceRemove or add shim(s).NOTE:• (M0)-(M) should be as close to ‘0’ aspossible.• If the specified measurement (M) is largerthan the specified value (M0), add theshim(s)If the specified measurement (M) is smallerthan the specified value (M0), remove theshim(s)Shimming gauge:YB-34468-5............................1Feeler gauge:YU-26900-8YU-26900-9Available shim thickness:0.10, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18, 0.30, 0.40,0.50 mm6-36