Administrator’s Guide for SIP-T58V/T58A/T56A/CP960 IP Phones168Parameter account.X.instance_id.enable .cfgDescription It enables or disables the phone to add+sip.instance attribute to the Contact header of the REGISTER mes-sage.PermittedValues0-Disabled1-EnabledDefault 0[1]X is the account ID. For T58V/T58A/T56A, X=1-16; for CP960, X=1.[2]If you change this parameter, the phone will reboot to make the change take effect.Outbound Proxy in DialogAn outbound proxy server can receive all initiating request messages and route them to the designated destination. Ifthe IP phone is configured to use an outbound proxy server within a dialog, all SIP request messages from the phonewill be sent to the outbound proxy server as a mandatory requirement.NoteTo use this feature, make sure the outbound server has been correctly configured on the IP phone. For more information onhow to configure the outbound server, refer to Server Redundancy.TopicOutbound Proxy in Dialog ConfigurationOutbound Proxy in Dialog ConfigurationThe following table lists the parameter you can use to configure outbound proxy in dialog.Parameter sip.use_out_bound_in_dialog .cfgDescriptionIt enables or disables the phone to send all SIP requests to the outbound proxy server mandatorily in a dia-log.Note: It works only if “account.X.outbound_proxy_enable” is set to 1 (Enabled).PermittedValues0-Disabled, only the new SIP request messages from the phone will be sent to the outbound proxy serverin a dialog.1-Enabled, all the SIP request messages from the phone will be sent to the outbound proxy server in a dia-log.Default 0Web UI Features->General Information->Use Outbound Proxy In DialogServer RedundancyServer redundancy is often required in VoIP deployments to ensure continuity of phone service, for example, take thecall server offline for maintenance, the server fails, or the connection between the IP phone and the server fails.Two types of redundancy are possible. In some cases, a combination of the two may be deployed:l Failover: In this mode, the full phone system functionality is preserved by having a second equivalent capability callserver take over from the one that has gone down/off-line. This mode of operation should be done using the DNS