Troubleshooting Methods437PermittedValues0-Overwrite1-Append (not applicable to TFTP Server)Default 0Parameter static.auto_provision.local_log.backup.append.limit_mode .cfgDescription It configures the behavior when local log files (-boot.log and -sys.log) on the pro-visioning server or a specific server reach the maximum file size.PermittedValues0-Append Delete, the server will delete the old log and the phone will continue uploading log.1-Append Stop, the phone will stop uploading log.Default 0Parameter static.auto_provision.local_log.backup.append.max_file_size .cfgDescriptionIt configures the maximum size (in KB) of the local log files (-boot.log and -sys.log) canbe stored on the provisioning server or a specific server.Example:static.auto_provision.local_log.backup.append.max_file_size = 1025PermittedValues Integer from 200 to 65535Default 1024Parameter static.auto_provision.local_log.backup.bootlog.upload_wait_time .cfgDescriptionIt configures the waiting time (in seconds) before the phone uploads the local log file (-boot.log)to the provisioning server or a specific server after startup.Example:static.auto_provision.local_log.backup.bootlog.upload_wait_time = 121PermittedValues Integer from 1 to 86400Default 120Exporting the Log Files to a Local PCProcedure1. From the web user interface, navigate to Settings->Configuration.2. Select Enabled from the pull-down list of Enable Local Log.3. Select 6 from the pull-down list of Local Log Level.The default local log level is “3”.4. Enter the limit size of the log files in the Max Log File Size field.5. Click Confirm to accept the change.6. Reproduce the issue.7. Click Export to open the file download window, and then save the file to your local system.Viewing the Log FilesYou can verify whether you got the correct log through the following key fields: